Provocative quote from Gunderson Dettmer’s Chief Innovation Officer…

“AI is not going to replace lawyers.

Lawyers with AI are going to replace lawyers without AI.

I would say lawyers who are good at using AI are going to replace everyone else”

“That’s the arm’s race. How do we get to be the best at using this technology for the benefit of our clients”

“The sooner our lawyers start building those muscles, the better they’re going to be at leveraging these tools”

Joe Green

Chief Innovation Officer

Gunderson Dettmer

These quotes are from a recent podcast by Bob Ambrogi about Gunderderson Dettmer’s new ChatGD with Joe Green, Chief Innovation Officer at Gunderson and John Scrudato, the firm’s legal engineering and data strategy manager. The whole podcast is worth a listen and can be found here.

Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Let me know your thoughts at d at

My POV is that this is an overly broad and provocative statement, but it sure gets your attention.


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